Not all embryos made out of IVF or ICSI process are genetically normal. Some embryos will have defective number of chromosomes or have a structural defect in one/more of the chromosomes. A normal human cell has 46 XY (male) or 46 XX (female) chromosomes. Pre-implantation genetic screening is a technology in which a few cells (6-10) are taken out from an outer layer of a blastocyst (day 5 or day 6 embryo). This procedure is highly skilled and it is absolutely imperative that it is done by an expert and experienced Embryologist.
How is PGT done?
After assisted hatching of outer layer of embryo, the trophectoderm (which is the outer layer of cells of embryo) is teased into a micro-pipette and few cells are aspirated. These cells are then sent to a Genetic laboratory in a special medium and are thereafter tested for chromosomal number and structure. NGS which is time-efficient, reliable, accurate with a high sensitivity and specificity is the preferred technology used in genetic testing.
What are the situations wherein PGS or PGT can particularly help?
- Advanced maternal age: Older women (more than 35 years) are found to have increased chance of developing abnormal embryos due to the impaired quality of eggs.
- Male infertility: Male partner having genetic disease or sever sperm defects.
- Genetic diseases in either partner: When either the wife or husband is known to have or is a carrier of a hereditary disease (eg Thalassemia,) or have structural defects in their karyotype.
- Repeated miscarriages (abortions) in the past:– one of the reasons of multiple miscarriages is chromosomal defect and PGS can help us select the normal embryo that can give a healthy pregnancy.
- Multiple failed attempts at IVF before:– One of the important reasons of Repeated Implantation failure (couple having multiple failed attempts at IVF) is chromosomal aneuploidies. If such a couple avails pre-implantation genetic testing, they can also have the happiness of a lively, healthy new-born in their arms!
- Family history of genetic diseases: Couples with children affected with genetic disease or strong family history of genetic disease.
Is PGS for me?
It has been found in scientific literature that pre-implantation genetic screening can definitely reduce the time taken to pregnancy (TTP) and save your time in having a baby. This is particularly important for those couples who are already emotionally stressed after facing failure in an IVF cycle before.